Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2009 challenge.

Since I didn't keep up with NaBloPoMo like I wanted to, I thought this month I would try the Best of 2009 Challenge.

It's a way of reflecting on my experiences in 2009 by responding to daily writing prompts. While there is a prompt assigned for each day, there is no requirement to do it every single day, which is nice! I'll be picking and choosing the ones I like.

I also want to throw a little twist into it. Rather than writing out my experiences, I thought I'd show some of my 2009 in pictures. I got a new camera and have captured many memories with it this year, so what better way to use them?

So here goes the first one. The prompt for December 1st:

TRIP: What was your best trip in 2009?

This one has to be a tie between my trip to Sanibel Island, Florida with my family, and the several camping trips I took with Dyke and his friends. So, without further ado, here are some memories I captured during those trips.

Sanibel Island, Florida

I love Florida for the flowers.

Pap-pa at the pool.

Beautiful wingspan.

I wanted to take him home with me.

My parents... still flying in their fifties.

Who's the palest of them all? That'd be me.

Mam-ma's always smiling.

A big guy we found in the water.


Camping with Dyke & Friends:

Almost Heaven... West Virginia...

These crazies survived the rapids.

Bring on the s'mores.

Dyke with a machete. Watch out!

Searching the great unkown.

Some green amongst the brown.

Papa Tree.

Sigh. I lost my cell phone somewhere on this hill.

I guess I've got a pretty good life.

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