Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Ready to hear a lot more from me? I've decided to commit myself to NaBloPoMo, otherwise known as National Blog Posting Month. The goal is to post something to my blog every day in November. This will either bring more readers to my wee little space in world wide web land, or scare them away because of the forced random content that may sometimes appear here as a result of writer's block. I'll do my best to keep it somewhat relevant and entertaining!

I originally had only heard of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Last school year, my creative writing students participated. Every day, for a month, I hovered over them in a computer lab, trying to get them to squeeze out every little bit they could in order to reach their word count goals. It was rough, but I knew it was a success when some of them told me it was the longest thing they'd ever written in their lives.

So here I am, trying to do something similar myself. It's not a novel, but it's a start. I always wanted to find the time last year to do the creative writing projects with my students, but considering so much of time was spent on lesson planning, calling parents, and trying not to go crazy, I never found an opportunity to fulfill that desire.

Be ready! On November 1st, the adventure begins!

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