Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long time, no blog.

I took a little blog hiatus because I've been busy.  GUESS WHY:


Yes, it's official.  Remember that cute, little, yellow bungalow I showed you?  That's the one.  White picket fence and all.  Two bedroom, one bath, hardwood floors, a fireplace with built in bookshelves on both sides, a sun room, a brick patio, fenced in backyard, two car garage.  Woot woot!

I've always loved the idea of decorating, but I've never had a space to call my own.  When I move in, I can do WHATEVER I WANT with it.  I can't believe it.  I can put a hole in any wall, can paint in any color, can put in any shelving, and it's all up to me.  Yes, I know this just comes with owning a house, but it's my first one and I'm super excited.

Of course, now that I'm starting to look at designs and colors and all, I'm going AAAAH!  There are so many different ways to decorate and I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet.  All I know is that I want it to be eclectic in style.  I don't want to pick a very categorized style because I like to change things up.  I also love how a room can look if there are pieces from all over the place that some how work together with the colors, fabrics, etc.  Here are a few samples I found online:

I just love pulling bright things from every which way and getting them together for a complete look.  In each picture there are a few different patterns going on at once, and all have bright colors.  The dining room picture is a bit too much, probably due to the busy walls.  I've noticed that in most eclectic designs the walls stay a pretty neutral color so the whole room doesn't seem too overwhelming.  Hopefully that makes paint picking easy!

I think this design aesthetic will be perfect for me because 1) I love displaying trinkets I've gathered through my life, 2) I love vintage artwork/paintings/furniture, and 3) I love to thrift shop for decorating pieces.

Whiiiiich brings me to my next point.  I have not gone thrift store shopping in a LONG time, and earlier this week I got my sister out of the house and we went to a vintage clothing store, and then to three different Goodwills.  End result: 15 dresses, 4 sweaters, 2 shirts, and 7 home decor items for.... (drumroll please.....) under $100!!!  I really recommend getting out now before it warms up again because we were able to snag so many comfy, casual spring dresses.  On average I think each dress was about 4 bucks.  SPECTACULAR!

Out of the decor items for my house, I also came across something I am going to take as a sign in my quest for pet pig ownership.  When I found it in an aisle at Goodwill, I ran up to my sister very excitedly and before I even showed her she knew it was going to have something to do with my pig venture.  The pictures will suffice:

Yes, folks, it is a black decorative pig head that I am definitely going to put by the front door and hang my keys on.  I am also going to decorate him with different seasonal hats.  You think it's ridiculous?  So be it.  It's just another sign that Thurman Merman is meant to be.

And on that note, I'm out.




Whitney said...

Woot! It's good to see you back. Congrats on the home-buying, we're in the process of buying a home on the NW side of Indy, but we haven't picked it out, yet! So there's that.

Thrift stores can be the best places to shop for decor, though I always find myself so overwhelmed-- "And I could do THIS with THIS, and that with THIS!" and so on, and so forth. Have you been to the Goodwill outlet over on Georgetown? It's quite an experience.

Congrats again on the house, that's such a huge deal :)

Anonymous said...

To decorate you need: a Christmas tree made of PBR cans, a George Carlin poster and a rug to cover up obvious carpet stains.

Kelly Jean said...

Hahahaha, thanks for the tip, Joe. I know you left that comment.

Anonymous said...

Squee!!! Congratulations!! Decorating is always the best part of moving - at least for me. I'm attempting to do a wall of art like in the picture of the bedroom . . . I'm just waiting on my boyfriend to move his dresser in so . . .

Oh and the pig head is awesome!!

Hepburn Hilton said...

How exciting!!! I can't wait to but something myself, even though I try to make do with the rented appt. I currently live in. I love th piggie! Where can you buy them?